When Two Plus Two Equals Zero: Simultaneous Applications and Competing Production Sources

You've met with the clients and their advisors on a few occasions and the time has come to take an application and submit underwriting information to the carriers. However, what you hear next stops you cold: "Our son's friend is also in the business and we want him to shop our application as well to be sure we are getting the best offer and premium available." You pause and think. For several reasons you know that it's never a good idea to pit production sources against one another with multiple carrier submissions. It can complicate matters and often results in an inferior offer and a higher ...

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Charitable Life Insurance Redefined

Of all the progressive things the life industry has done in the past few years to advance underwriting standards and make it easier to do business, one area significantly lagging is charitable life underwriting. In charitable situations, the maximum amount of coverage available across almost every carrier in the industry is based upon a multiplication factor—typically 10—of one's past annual giving to a charity. So if an applicant on average has given $10,000 annually to a particular charity and desires to leverage this giving by allowing the charity to own life insurance on his life, he would...

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Insuring the Uninsurable

A New Program Offers Life Insurance for Declined Cases.  It always seems to happen. You have a client—probably one of your best clients — who desperately needs to buy life insurance to cover a loan or a business buy-sell and is willing to pay the price for whatever they can get. You've sealed the deal — but because of health problems or other issues you are unable to deliver an offer from any carrier—at any price. It's a conundrum for the ages, but now there is a solution. Windsor recently developed a relationship with a creative A.M. Best "A" rated domestic carrier to tackle this very pr...

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New Jumbo and Super Jumbo Paradigm

Jumbo cases can be challenging. Defined by many carriers as total line of coverage applied for including coverage in force exceeding $65 million, this is especially true for super jumbo applications that involve total lines in excess of $100 million, and where health conditions or applicant age become factors. Every application is unique and individual case facts make the task of putting jumbo and super jumbo cases together anywhere from reasonably challenging to downright impossible. However, with premiums from five figures to several million, we need to approach these situations with working...

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