Underwriting - Adapting to a pandemic world and insights for the road ahead.

- A Virtual Panel Discussion Featuring Experts in the Field of Life Reinsurance - DuWayne Kilbo, Moderator I'm extremely delighted to have available three distinguished speakers from the life reinsurance side of our business for Windsor's first Virtual Panel Discussion! With so much going on today as it pertains to COVID-19 and the evolution of the life insurance industry, this is an opportunity to hear from well-known and highly regarded reinsurance industry executives for their input and thoughts on various topics where they provide support and guidance to the industry.  Also, we will h...

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Clients, Prospects and Centers of Influence Conversation Ideas

​As advisors to your clients, you can start a conversation with 60-page product illustrations, or you can change the conversation to something simpler and closer to home:  Historically low interest rates.  Guaranteed life insurance benefits.  Cash on hand for unexpected circumstances.  Protection for valuable assets.  And easier ways for clients to get the insurance they want and need.  Even in these difficult times, we can do our best to stay calm and communicate clearly.  Here are some ideas from Windsor on how we can begin a conversation about what's impor...

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COVID-19! What Have You Done to Underwriting!?!?

COVID-19, in addition to being a terrible pandemic, has brought a halt to business as usual for most every industry imaginable.  And life underwriting has not been granted an exception.  Among other things, we have seen additional scrutiny placed on certain medical impairments, maximum age and rating limitations imposed, and a reduction in internal retention at some carriers. However, we are also seeing changes—positive changes—occur in underwriting.  Underwriting progress has been made using data sources to forgo exams and to get coverage approved quickly and non-invasively—whi...

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Turnkey Digital Communications & Marketing Tools for Today's Socially Distant Marketplace

Windsor, Life Happens and AIG Get Together for a Webinar You Don't Want to Miss!  On Demand Now!In today's social-distancing reality, staying connected and maintaining your trusted relationship with clients and centers of influence is more important than ever. But where can you find relevant content that is easy to use?  Windsor invites you to learn about the resources, marketing tools and competitive advantages offered by Life Happens and AIG that are literally at your fingertips, along with social media best practices that you can implement today!  

A New Landscape: Death Benefit Focused Products After the 2019 CSO and PBR Changes

  Driven by new CSO tables and Principle Based Reserving (PBR), year-end 2019 ushered in a host of life insurance product changes. These changes impacted both a substantial number and a broad diversity of life insurance products and pricing — especially death benefit-oriented "permanent" plans of coverage, a market where many of us spend considerable time promoting and selling.  To assess what happened, we completed a survey of this market based upon the carriers Windsor represents.  While many of our observations were similar for single and joint life products, there were notab...

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New York's Rule 187 - What Happens in New York Never Stays in New York

No matter where you live, no matter where you do business, if you actively participate in the recommendation or sale of a life insurance or annuity product to a client in New York, Rule 187 directly applies to you.  And if it doesn't apply to you today, probably all you have to do is wait. Because, when it comes to insurance regulation, what happens in New York never stays in New York.  Although Rule 187, the new Suitability and Best Interests in Life Insurance and Annuity Transactions rule, exclusively applies to insurance and annuity sales in New York, we have seen regulations like...

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More Than a Game

In November of 1960 the season was more than half over when the 6-1 Philadelphia Eagles met the 5-1-1 New York Giants with first place on the line in the NFL's Eastern Division. The Giants jumped out to a 10-0 first half lead, but the Eagles fought back to take a 17-10 advantage late in the fourth quarter. The Giants were driving toward a tying score when Frank Gifford, their All-Pro halfback, ran a quick slant pattern across the middle. He caught the ball, but was knocked off his feet by Chuck Bednarik, a 6-foot-3, 235-pound outside linebacker, coming from the opposite direction. The 6-foot-1...

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FASB Update 2018-12 and The Future of Life Insurance - A Conversation With Colin Devine

We're pleased to have Colin Devine, of C. Devine and Associates, join us today for a very timely and important Windsor blog about a topic that could have a significant impact upon the type and price of the products you'll be selling in the not too distant future. Colin, in August, 2018, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Accounting Update 2018-12 (ASU 2018-12), an update that affects all insurance entities that issue long-duration contracts – including life insurance and annuities. Earlier this year, C. Devine and Associates published an exhaustive industry peer review on the impl...

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Underwriting Enhancements & Case Design Tips to Help You Sell in the Foreign National Market

"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list" - Susan Sontag High net worth individuals and families exist all over the world.  In today's global economy, you probably have clients with friends or relatives living abroad who are looking to buy life insurance from U.S. based companies. Whether for business planning, wealth transfer, legacy planning, wealth accumulation or family protection, many foreign nationals are motivated by having monies outside their country of residence.  They desire the stability of US dollar denominated coverage, asset diversification and protection again...

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Today There's a $22 Million Lifetime Gift Tax Exclusion - Your Clients Can Use It Or Lose It

A successful sale typically has three common elements:  It solves a large problem.  The solution itself is time-limited, meaning that if you don't take action soon, all will be lost.  And it's a story that you can honestly get passionate about because it's so important to the client. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 created that exact scenario.  Beginning in 2018 and lasting through 2025, the U.S. has dramatically increased the amount of money/assets that individuals can gift to non-charitable entities without being subject to federal gift taxes.  Any client who had m...

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